Illinois Symphony Orchestra in Search of Performance Venue for 2025-2026 Season Due to UIS Performing Arts Center Temporary Closure

Categorized: Press Releases

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Contact Beth Wakefield
217-522-2838 x4

University of Illinois Springfield has announced the temporary closing of the UIS Performing Arts Center from June 2025 until September 2026 for major plumbing upgrades throughout the entire building.

Due to the impending closure, the Illinois Symphony Orchestra (ISO) is currently identifying a performance venue in Springfield that will accommodate its audiences, artistic needs, and schedule for the upcoming 2025-2026 season. The closure will impact the ISO’s four Symphony Orchestra, and two Pops Concerts offered each season. It will also impact the ISO’s two Illinois Symphony Youth Orchestra concerts performed as part of our Partnership in Education and Civic Engagement (PEACE) with the UIS Department of Music and UIS Orchestra.

As we strive to continue providing engaging musical experiences for all, Music Director Taichi Fukumura and Executive Director Trevor Orthmann have visited several venues under consideration. The ISO aims to announce all our venues for our 2025-2026 season within the next two months.

The Illinois Symphony Orchestra (ISO), led by Music Director Taichi Fukumura, is central Illinois’ largest professional orchestra serving over 35,000 patrons in the communities of Bloomington-Normal, Springfield and the surrounding region with symphony orchestra, chamber orchestra, and Concerts for Kids series in each community. In addition to concert performances, the Orchestra's music education and outreach programs serve pre-K and elementary schools through the Itsy Arts and Music Matters education programs and reach middle schools, high schools, universities, community organizations and senior centers through guest artist residencies and musician and ensemble performances. The ISO also has an active Sips & Sounds Summer Concert Series, Around the Town Chamber Music Series and the Beyond the Stage concert experience. The Illinois Symphony Orchestra has a budget of approximately $1.4 million.

In July 2020, the ISO acquired the Sangamon Valley Youth Symphony (SVYS) started in the early 1970s by parents, music teachers and musicians to keep string instrument education and a youth orchestra in Springfield and surrounding communities following the elimination of all school orchestra programs. Now, the Illinois Symphony Youth Orchestras (ISYO) programs consist of Starter and Junior Strings, Preparatory Orchestra, Concert Orchestra and Symphony Orchestra serving over 300 students. The ISO also has a partnership in education and community engagement (PEACE) with the UIS-School of Music and Illinois State University’s Wonsook Kim College of Fine Arts and School of Music.

Additional information about the Illinois Symphony Orchestra is available at

This program is partially supported by a grant from the Illinois Arts Council.


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